Senior Dental Care

Dental Care for Senior Citizens

As you age, it becomes vital that you properly care for your teeth. While strong oral hygiene is important at any age, it is essential that you make your dental care a priority as a senior citizen. There are many serious oral concerns for aging adults, including dry mouth, root decay, uneven bites, and teeth sensitivity. Gum disease is also a serious concern as you age, as more than 75% of adults over the age of 35 have some form of this condition. If left untreated, gum disease leads to tooth loss, resulting in gum disease treatment such as dentures or tooth implants at an even younger age.

Age is an important factor in caring for your dental health. As you get older, you are more likely to take multiple medications, you may have a more difficult time brushing or flossing your teeth, and you may even lack motivation or become bored with your senior dental care habits, all of which impact your oral health.

When you visit us at Markham 7 Dental, we can make sure your teeth are in top condition. We will evaluate your current teeth and provide senior dental care treatment options to strengthen weak or damaged teeth. We also watch for signs of potential oral conditions such as gum disease and make sure you receive treatment as soon as possible.

At Markham 7 Dental, we will work closely with you to create the perfect smile and keep your teeth strong and healthy, regardless of your age. Dental care for senior citizens is a very important concern. If you experience severe tooth loss, have discolored or stained teeth, or even want to reshape and strengthen your current teeth, we can help with senior dental care. With a variety of treatment options such as veneers, bonding, teeth whitening, and more, we can help you wipe years away from your smile. Contact us for more information to learn about senior dental care and how we can help.

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